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Gift In Your Will

Give a Gift in your Will

By leaving a gift in your will, your gift can help our care home enhance senior care now and well into the future. Bequests may come in the form of a percentage of your estate, specific cash amount, property, securities or other assets. A charitable bequest has no effect on you financially in your lifetime. It is one of the simplest and most flexible ways to create a lasting legacy.

A bequest is a lasting gift from the heart with practical benefits to your surviving heirs. Your estate receives a tax receipt for the full amount of the donation, which may offset capital gains or other taxes due. You may designate the gift to specific programs, or allow Villa Cathay to put it to work where it is most needed at the time.

Leaving a bequest to Villa Cathay will help us continue to provide the best care to our seniors. Please consider becoming a Villa Cathay Legacy Partner as an essential part of your estate planning strategy. If you have completed your will and left a provision for Villa Cathay, please let us know through our Bequest Confirmation Form. We want to express our thanks and properly plan for your future gift.

Bequest Confirmation Form

It’s easier than you may think

All it takes is a simple clause in your will to leave a gift of hope to Villa Cathay – and continue transforming lives long after you’ve gone. Your lawyer can include a simple clause naming Villa Cathay as a beneficiary. Naming Villa Cathay in your will is an ideal way to build a legacy. You’ll make a significant and meaningful difference in your community without feeling any financial impact in your lifetime. The following are two samples of clauses you can include in your will in order to leave a legacy to the Villa Cathay:

“My estate trustees shall pay the sum of $_______ (or transfer assets with an equal value) to Villa Cathay Care Home Society for the purpose of supporting the highest priority as determined by the Board of Directors of Villa Cathay Care Home Society.”

“My estate trustees shall pay ______% of the residue of my estate to Villa Cathay Care Home Society for the purpose of supporting the highest priority as determined by the Board of Directors of Villa Cathay Care Home Society.”


Villa Cathay Care Home Society
970 Union Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 3V1


11928 5971 RR0001

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