Mission Statement 宗旨
The Villa Cathay Care Home Family Council shall advocate for improved communication and collaboration between family members and Villa Cathay Care Home staff, and management by working collaboratively with the facility’s staff and management on projects that enrich the lives of persons in care, making recommendations to decision makers, and communicating common concerns and ideas for improvements.
What are the benefits of being part of Family Council 參加家人委員會的效益:
- Family-involvement 家人參與 .
- Communication. Collaboration. Support. Education. 溝通 – 合作 – 支援 – 教育。
Family Council gives residents and their families opportunities to 家人委員會為長者及其家人提供機會:
- work together, support one another, share experiences, and generate ideas to improve quality of care共同努力,互相支持,分享經驗, 並為提升護理質素作建議。
- communicate concerns to the management, follow up on solutions, hear the views of administration, and have a voice in decisions與管理層溝通關注,跟進解決方案,聽取員工和行政部門的意見,並在決策中發表你的建議。
- increase participants’ understanding and awareness of what is possible through guest presentations and knowledge sharing通過嘉賓演講和知識共享,提高参與者和家人對長者照顧的理解和認識。
Family Council Terms of Reference 家人委員會組織章程
Click to Read 按此閱讀
Family Council Code of Conduct 家人委員會行為準則
Click to Read 按此閱讀
Executive Committee Members 執行委員會成員 (2024 – 2025):
Kimy Chan Chair 主席 |
Family Council Meeting Minutes 會議紀錄:
The Family Council meets once every two months. The meeting is conducted in English, and Mandarin and Cantonese translations are provided. 會議每兩個月舉行一次,以英語進行,並提供普通話和粤語翻譯。
Meeting Minutes of previous meeting are posted on the Family Resource Page.
Join the Family Council Mailing List
We’ll send you updates of future meeting dates, copies of our meeting minutes, event news or other important announcements from the Family Council. 通過電子郵件加入。如果未能抽空參加會議,請用電子郵件作登記加入。
Please feel free to contact us by email 請電郵至家人委員會: [email protected]
Or Villa Cathay Social worker 或聯絡華宮社工傅姑娘: Cherie Fu [email protected] or call 604-215-3541.