The Villa Cathay Rejuvenation Project has achieved its fundraising goal and the West Pavilion will welcome new residents before the end of 2021! The long-awaited renewal and rebuild of Villa Cathay Care Home was once an impossible dream, but generous donors such as yourself helped make this dream come true! Please accept our heartfelt gratitude!
The Old Villa Cathay
Located in Strathcona, Vancouver, Villa Cathay Care Home is a non-profit long-term care home specialized in providing person-centered and culturally sensitive care for seniors 24/7.
Established in 1973 and opened its doors at 970 Union Street location in 1978, Villa Cathay Care Home has served over 1,600 vulnerable seniors who would otherwise face cultural and language barriers in English-speaking care homes.
Villa Cathay was first built in the 1970s – the facility is aging and no longer at its best state to support the complex care needs of today’s aging population.
To meet the growing demand of culturally focused long-term care, Villa Cathay embarked on a $72.9 Million Rejuvenation Project to build a 224-bed complex care home on the same site. The new Villa Cathay Care Home will comprise of a 10-storey East Tower with an adjoining three-level West Pavilion. The East Tower will provide 127 rooms which has been completed in 2019. The West Pavilion is scheduled to complete by the end of 2021 and will offer 97 long-term care beds.
The new Villa Cathay Care Home will create a net increase of 70 beds and will greatly reduce the wait times for seniors who are in need of culturally-focused long-term care. The new care home will also enable the delivery of improved and expanded services such as rehabilitation and restorative care, specialized dementia care and innovative programs, to elevate residents’ quality of life.