2024 Q1 Massage Program for Villa Cathay residents 華宮長者按摩項目
Family Survey
3. Please share with us the details of the changes (good or bad) after your loved one received massage treatments. 請與我們分享長者接受按摩療程後任何好的或不好的反應。
- lessen the pain
- After message she will have a good sleep !
- 非常好
- More relax, comfortable, less pain
- Massage therapy helped my mother relax her neck and shoulder muscles so she could fall asleep easily during and after the treatment. My mother had Bell’s Palsy and massage therapy helped her recover from the symptoms as well.
- My Mom thoroughly enjoyed the message.
- feeling being take care by the others as well.
We can schedule around three sessions for each participating resident during each term (14 weeks) . Please rate the level of your preference for each of the following factor.
6. How can we improve the massage program for the residents of Villa Cathay Care Home? 您覺得華宮的按摩服務可以有甚麼改善空間?
- Hopefully, more college student participate in the program
- If they can provide massage every week will be great
- 若是每周都做,那是理想。
- Keep up the program
- If messages were repeated, then the students and care aids would know the preferences of the clients.
7. What other wellness program you wish Villa Cathay can provide on-site for residents? 請列寫您希望華宮能為長者在院內提供其他的保健項目。
- More outside activities
- 清潔耳朵
- Meditation, Skin care.
Student Survey
What do you think are the most valuable “take away” from this term’s massage clinic at Villa Cathay?
- The ability to communicate through different means than language alone. And to treat in a different context than our clinic room with a massage room
How can we improve your experience and assist you in meeting your learning objectives while providing treatments to our residents?
- A little more information about each resident’s health history
Anything else you would like to share with us?
- I would have preferred to start with treating the staff and family members at the beginning of the shift and then move on to residents, but that’s maybe just me, and also maybe not possible.
KPU Acupuncture Student Clinic at Villa Cathay (Jan – April 2024)
Family Survey
Please share with us the details of the changes (good or bad) after your loved one received acupuncture treatments. 請與我們分享長者接受針灸療程後任何好的或不好的反應。
- She can sleep much better
- My grandma can sleep so much better and be in less pain. It makes a world of a difference for her. I sometimes wonder if one can privately organise it for her as well to provide her with non-medication based support.
- Feel better after each treatment
- Mom seems to sleep better and therefore more energetic when awake
- Hi my name is Alvin my mom is in room 515 at Villa Cathay and has been receiving acupuncture treatment for the last term every Tues by Phoebe. I think she has reacted very well to treatments. Staff also thinks she seems to be more alert, less drowsy than before and often she has a smile or is happy to see Phoebe and the others including Dr Chen on the weekly visits. Also, her arms and hands are more relaxed than before. Before she would cross her arms on top of her chest and pull in, very tight and strong. Also, had closed fists. Her arms and hands are generally more relaxed now, less tight, not closed.
- better sleep after acupuncture treatments thus better health
- Improved mood and less pain
- Although mom cannot verbalize very well if acupuncture was helpful for her, she seemed comfortable during the treatment and appeared well rested afterwards
- Very nice program
- no difference
How can we improve the acupuncture program for the residents of Villa Cathay Care Home? 您覺得華宮的針灸服務可以有甚麼改善空間?
- If it was more often for residents, but that is a tall order for students 🙂
- Keep continuing to provide the service. No change is required.
- Need better way to communicate with students/ program if patient needs to cancel or will be late for an appointment.
- the application form was too complicated to fit up .
- Keep up the program
- It is good the way it is
- Nope
- service was good
What other wellness program you wish Villa Cathay can provide on-site for residents? 請列寫您希望華宮能為長者在院內提供其他的保健項目。
- Physiotherapy, Music Therapy
- massage therapy
- Dental and massage
- wish to have personal physical exercise guiding by medical school students.
- physiotherapy, more massage therapy, music therapy
Please share with us the details of the changes (good or bad) after you received acupuncture treatments. 請與我們分享您接受針灸療程後任何好的或不好的反應。
- Feel much better especially sleeping problem
- see the improvement after the treatment, and have a better sleep the day of treatment.
- I also sleep better after treatment
- i’ve had chronic problems for many, many years, so acupuncture gives some temporary relief but I don’t expect or think it will solve my problems forever.
- Better sleep thus better health
- I think I sleep better after the treatment
- Nope
Please share any comments/suggestions for us 您有什麼建議/回饋給我們嗎?
- students are very friendly, feel the care from them.
- Thank you for the treatment for both mom and myself. The students are all very conscientious and attentive. The instructor is very approachable and always willing to answer my questions
- Even if I can’t recieve future treatment, I hope my mom can continue with Phoebe’s treatment who is very thorough , patient and caring for my mom. Also want to mention the BC government proposal to deregister acupuncture and TCM… Phoebe told me about this and some of the ways that your industry is trying to fight back. From what I hear from some of the students, it sounds like a lot of the requests to oppose this is amongst the acupuncure & TCM industry. To win the fight and get the attention of govt, you need to get support of the public, otherwise politicians won’t listen to just the opponents from the industry. The public are voters and politicians will listen to the voters more than your industry people. If not already, everyone in acupuncture/ TCM industry should be posting this in social media along with online petition for all their friends, family & connections to sign. Or everyone carry paper petition for people to sign. The proposal makes no sense and must be stopped not just for acupencurists/ TCM doctors, but for sake of good health care for everyone. Otherwise, why bother having specialists? Why not anyone can go treat anything they want.
- Need more resident’s relative to involve in the program and understand the process
- I am happy Villa Cathay has acupuncture treatment for senior,my mum did have some improvement after the acupuncture,thank you to Dr Gao and her students .
- I appreciate the fact that I am learning more about acupuncture treatment and my own health during the treatment